* Computers and technology come easy for them. They are often computer literate at as early as the age of 2.
* They have lots of energy. They need less sleep than most babies and children.
* They are born with a sense of purpose. They know that they are important and feel as though they deserve to be here. They know who they are and what they want in life.
* They question authority. They need to hear why something should be done in a certain way before doing what is asked of them.
* They will not bow down to routine or ritually oriented activities.
* They often figure out easier ways to do things at home or at school...breaking with convention and conformity.
* Sometimes they seem to be anti-social unless they are with kindred spirits.
* They don't respond to guilt trips.
* They tell others what they need and want.
* They are gifted intellectually and/or artistically.
* They are intuitive and are born knowing things that was never taught to them.
* They daydream and can be easily distracted unless they are doing something that speaks to their intersts.
* They are fascinated with other worldly phenomena. They seem to have a connection to the Universe and other planets.
* They are often misdiagnosed as having ADD, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder etc.
ReplyDeleteI have a six year old son who is being labeled as having audio sensory disorder.
I don't agree with labels as it seems to me that at least six children in his class have some kind of disorder!! Surely not all these children can have disorders, It seems to me that more and more children that aren't fitting into their type of education system.
I would like to know what type of education system you suggest for this type of child? There doesn't seem to be to many good ones in Australia.
I totally agree with you. It does seem as though when children do not fit into the system, they are labeled and medicated.
ReplyDeleteI would suggest a Waldorf school if there are any in your area. You might also try a Montessori school. Both of these educational philosophies incorporate a child centered approach.
I home school my children, but that is not an option for many parents.
Please let update us on your journey! :)