Characteristics of Indigo Children

* Computers and technology come easy for them. They are often computer literate at as early as the age of 2.

* They have lots of energy. They need less sleep than most babies and children.

* They are born with a sense of purpose. They know that they are important and feel as though they deserve to be here. They know who they are and what they want in life.

* They question authority. They need to hear why something should be done in a certain way before doing what is asked of them.

* They will not bow down to routine or ritually oriented activities.

* They often figure out easier ways to do things at home or at school...breaking with convention and conformity.

* Sometimes they seem to be anti-social unless they are with kindred spirits.

* They don't respond to guilt trips.

* They tell others what they need and want.

* They are gifted intellectually and/or artistically.

* They are intuitive and are born knowing things that was never taught to them.

* They daydream and can be easily distracted unless they are doing something that speaks to their intersts.

* They are fascinated with other worldly phenomena. They seem to have a connection to the Universe and other planets.

* They are often misdiagnosed as having ADD, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder etc.